
Will of Abner Bedell (1761-1842) - proved circa 1842

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Will of Abner Bedell (1761-1842) - Will proved circa 1842 (9 pages starting from image 155) First pages are a later codicil to the main will. Allegheny County Will Book Vol 5 page 339 no 275 image 155.

The directions for probate search in Allegheny County, PA are an invaluable tool for finding probate documents in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

The Proceeding Index Page for Abner Bedell's probate documents also shows other Bedell family members proceeding index on the same page.

Abner Bedell's original will basically provides for his wife Marey, then details provisions for his sons Daniel Bedell, Andrew Bedell, and William Bedell.

Abner Bedell leaves Daniel Bedell the sum of $10 which is to be paid to Daniel one year after the death of Abner's wife Marey. If Daniel is not living at that time the $10 is to be shared between Daniel Bedell's three daughters from his first wife. Daniel Bedell's daughters from his first wife are named in the will as Elizabeth Beebe, Sarah Lapsley, and Marey Bedell. Daniel may have been given land/assets in his father's lifetime, which was a common practice in this time, but is unlikely as Daniel is listed as a shoemaker in the 1850 US Census.

The remainder of the estate is to be divided into two halves with one half to son Andrew Bedell and the other half to his son William Bedell and to his (Abner Bedell's) daughter Elizabeth Byington.

The will of Abner Bedell names several Bedell family members previously unknown and confirms Bedell family relationships known from family accounts and historical volumes. Specifically, the existence of Abner Bedell's daughter Elizabeth Bedell Byington was unknown and the name of Abner Bedell's wife at the time of his death is new information.  Abner Bedell's will also names the daughters of his son Daniel Bedell by his first wife as Elizabeth Beebe, Sarah Lapsley, and Mary Bedell. The only daughter of Daniel Bedell previously known was Elizabeth Bedell Beebe and Abner Bedell's will confirmed Elizabeth Beebe as his grand-daughter and daughter of his son Daniel Bedell.

Extract from Abner Bedell's Will naming grand-daughters

The wording in the will doesn't preclude the possibility that Daniel Bedell also had sons from his first marriage.  Additionally the fact that Daniel was married twice is also new information.

Extract from Codicil of Abner Bedell's Will

William Bedell is essentially being cut out of his father's estate in the codicil. The codicil revokes the share to his son William and instead leaves William "the sum of five dollars only". Abner then names his grand daughters Sarah Lapsley and Marey Bedell, who were mentioned in the main will as daughters of Daniel Bedell, the new recipients of the legacy formerly bestowed on son William Bedell. (However the other daughter of Daniel Bedell named in the main will, Elizabeth Beebe, is not named as a recipient in this codicil)

Will and Codicil of Abner Bedell

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