Continental Mine

Marriage of Thomas Francis O'Connor and Ellen Rose Scott

4:27:00 PM

O'Connor Family circa 1914 likely 132 West 109th Street, New York, NY

I found Thomas Francis O'Connor and Ellen (Nellie) Rose Scott's marriage record on the Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania Website. The O'Connor Scott marriage record is found in Book 37, Page 367 and is recorded as file number 0037-00367, licence number 12667. The marriage date is noted as 6 February 1895.

The record shows the original signatures of Thomas O'Connor and Nellie Scott. It appears that the entire form was filled out by Thomas O'Connor in his own hand.

PDF Thomas O'Connor and Ellen Scott Marriage Record

Nellie Rose Scott and Thomas Francis O'Connor were married by Father Dunne at St Patrick's Church on Jackson Street in Scranton, Pennsylvania on Wednesday 6 February 1895.

St Patrick's Church Scranton, Pennsylvania

The marriage record contains the information that Thomas Francis O'Connor was born 14 July 1872 in Lackawanna Township, Pennsylvania "at the Continental" to parents Anthony and Julia. Thomas O'Connor was working as a laborer in the mines at the time of his marriage in 1895 and resided at 330 Fifteenth Street, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

In 1872 when Thomas O'Connor was born, Lackawanna Township was a township in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

Lackawanna County was formed from part of Luzerne County in 1878 and Lackawanna Township then became a part of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Lackawanna Township is now classified as an extinct township, it was divided and incorporated into several other townships and the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Thomas O'Connor was referring to a coal mine when he stated on his marriage record that he had been born "at the Continental".  It was common for miners refer to their patch towns by the name of the mine.

The map shown below shows the Continental Coal Company located in Lackawanna Township (the yellow section is Lackawanna Township) on the border of the Hyde Park Borough. Hyde Park was later incorporated into the city of Scranton. 

Note the miners houses shown on the map beside the Continental Coal Company - this is where Thomas O'Connor was born. 

The Continental Colliery operated from 1860 -1966 and was located in Lackawanna Township. The Continental Mine (now called the Lackawanna Coal Mine) is open to the public for tours at McDade Park in Scranton, Pennsylvania "The Lackawanna Coal Mine Tour is located in the heart of the park. The hour-long tour takes you to a mine that was originally part of the Continental Coal Mine which was once an active anthracite coal mine.". The highly regarded Anthracite Heritage Museum is also located in Scranton's McDade Park.

Ellen Rose Scott is recorded as Nellie Rose Scott on her marriage record, her given name is actually Ellen. The O'Connor/Scott marriage document records that Nellie Rose Scott was born on 27 July 1873 in Ireland and her parents were named Patrick and Kate. This is information is consistent with other records relating to Ellen Scott. Nellie is occupied at home and is living at 2105 Jackson Street, Scranton.

Scranton Pennsylvania 1890

I recognize the address, 2105 Jackson Street, Scranton, because it the same address where Ellen and Thomas O'Connor are living with their family in 1900 and 1910 according to US Census records. In the census Thomas O'Connor is listed as the head of household, so I had always thought that Pat Scott had moved in with Thomas and Ellen O'Connor, but it looks like the opposite is true, Thomas and Ellen O'Connor moved in to the Scott family house at 2105 Jackson Street sometime before the 1900 US Census.

By 1910 Thomas and Ellen O'Connor have eight children and there are fourteen people living in the O'Connor household at 2105 Jackson Street, including Ellen's father Patrick Scott, brother James Scott, another Scott brother (Patrick) and Thomas O'Connor's mother Julia O'Connor is also living with the family

1910 US Census

The O'Connor/Scott marriage record was located by searching the genealogy records at the Lackawanna County website, then the marriage record database. The location of the O'Connor Scott marriage record is found in book 37, page 367 and is recorded as file number 0037-00367. The marriage date is noted as 6 February 1895. You may need to use IE to view the record and you will likely need to allow a the popup which will be the record.

PDF Thomas O'Connor and Ellen Scott Marriage Record

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