
Joseph Eddy Wilson

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Work in Progress

Joseph Eddy Wilson was born c 1855 in Vermont to Dorcas Ann Varien and James Wilson.

He was enumerated in the 1855 New York State Census as age one, living in Hoosick New York with parents Dorcas Wilson and James Wilson. James, Dorcas and Joseph were living in the household of James Wilson's parents, Solomon and Wessett Wilson.

1855 New York State Census Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York

Dorcas and James Wilson were newlyweds in 1855, they had been married earlier that year in Adams Massachusetts on 28 January 1855. The marriage record incorrectly notes that this marriage was both James and Dorcas's first marriage. Dorcas Ann Varian was previously married to James Van Avery.

Marriage record James Wilson & Dorcas Varian Adams, Massachusetts

In 1885, Joseph is living with his father James, brother Fred, daughter Emma J Wilson and son William. Delia is likely the wife of Fred Wilson and It's probable that JE Wilson is actually meant to be Joseph Eddy Wilson, but the age is incorrectly listed as age two in the 1885 Nebraska State Census shown below. There are not many two year old farmers.

1885 Nebraska Census Family of Joseph Eddy Wilson

1885 Nebraska Census Merrick, Nebraska

There are several possible issues with the information in the 1885 Nebraska Census, but it seems highly likely that this is the family of Joseph Eddy Wilson. The ages of all the family members, with the exception noted above of JE Wilson, are consistent with those given for these family members in previous documents. The location of birth for several family members seems the most problematic with the possible explanation that the enumerator confused Vermont with Virginia.

Emma J Wilson eventually will be married In Merrick County Nebraska which is where the 1885 Nebraska Census enumerates the Wilson family.

Dorcas Ann Varian likely married another man after 1880 named William Babcock, She is shown living with him in the 1880 US Census in Grafton, Rensselaer, NY. Dorcas is still named Wilson in this census.

Note: Sort out the George Wilsons listed as sons of Wessett and Solomon Wilson. Review family of Jeremiah Wilson, son of Wessett and Solomon as well.

Note. Eddy is likely a family name as it appears in this area as a surname

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